Interesting Facts about Bingo

  1. The Most Popular Game is Bingo
    With over 8% of the world’s population playing the game, Bingo is definitely the most popular game even in the coldest place on earth, and is enjoyed by millions.
  2. Origins of the Game
    The game has been around since the 1530s. It originated in Italy back in the Renaissance era and can be traced to Lo Giuoco del Lotto d’Italia, the Italian national lottery.
  3. Bingo Can Relieve Stress and Boost the Brain
    Bingo is known to relieve stress and boost the cognitive abilities of players too! Researchers in Southampton University found that playing the game keeps your brain trim and that bingo players are generally more mentally agile than non-bingo players. This is definitely one of the best bingo facts!
  4. Origin of Keno
    You know the popular game Keno? Well, Bingo is the origin of that game.
  5. Motivation to Play
    Surprising, winning a jackpot price ranks 5th on the list of reasons why people love to play this game. They do it mostly for the fun and socialization
  6. Winning Combinations
    In a standard Bingo ticket, a player can actually come up with over a million different winning combinations.
  7. Bingo Jobs
    There is a growing industry around Bingo today. With the availability of bingo sites where you can play by your phone bill, a combination of new technology and the ‘’Bingo economy’’ has contributed to the employment of over 20,000 people.
  8. More Female Players
    According to statistics, 20% of Bingo players are men, while the rest are women. As at 2012, 2.5 million female players in the UK enjoyed their favourite game playing from online bingo sites.
  9. Duration of the Game
    By estimation, the Bingo game lasts from three to six minutes.
  10. Bingo Players and Superstitions
    Did you know? Bingo players tend to be very superstitious when it comes to the game. Some believe in lucky charms, lucky pens, lucky numbers and certain colours of daubers. Some even have lucky chairs, clothes and underwear. It is not surprising to see some go around their chair three times before sitting down.


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